Investor Resources

Investor FAQs

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What is The Toro Company's stock ticker symbol?
Our common stock ticker symbol is TTC.
On what stock exchange does The Toro Company stock trade?
Our common shares are listed and traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
Does The Toro Company issue dividends?
Yes, please see Dividend History for cash payment information.
How can I get the current The Toro Company stock price?
Please see the Investor Information homepage (all quotes delayed at least 20 minutes).
Where do I find the The Toro Company's closing stock price?
Please see Historical Price Lookup to find daily closing stock prices back to 1972. You will see the price adjusted for all stock splits (the post-split price).
Who should I contact regarding my stock certificate(s)?
Please contact EQ Shareowner Services. See Transfer Agent for contact information.
Does The Toro Company have a Dividend Reinvestment Plan?
Yes, registered shareholders may enroll in dividend reinvestment through the Direct Stock Purchase Plan offered by EQ Shareowner Services. You may enroll online at or by contacting EQ by phone. Please see Transfer Agent for contact information.
Does The Toro Company issue preferred stock?
We do have authority to issue preferred shares, however, no such shares are currently issued or outstanding.
When will The Toro Company raise its cash dividend?
Cash dividend decisions are made by our Board of Directors. Such decisions are reviewed on a regular basis. Please see Dividend History for a record of past dividend increases
When has The Toro Company's stock split?
Please see& Stock Split Information for a summary of our stock splits.
When do the fiscal quarters end? When are financial results reported?
Please see Event Calendar.
Who are The Toro Company's independent accountants?
Our independent registered public accounting firm is KPMG LLP.
When is the next earnings release?
Please see Event Calendar.
Does The Toro Company prepare glossy quarterly reports?
Because of printing and distribution costs, we no longer print quarterly reports but focus on electronic media instead. Please see the Investor Information homepage for the latest information.
How do I get a copy of the Annual Report and/or Proxy Statement?
Please see Annual Reports for online editions. If you require hard copies, you may order via email.
Where can I find The Toro Company's historical financial statements?
Please see SEC Filings for historical information. 
Where do I find The Toro Company’s conflict minerals policy and reports?
Please see the Conflict Minerals Policy. For an overview of the annually filed Form SD and Conflict Minerals Reports, please see Conflict Minerals Reports.
Where do I find The Toro Company’s statement on modern slavery and human trafficking, including the transparency in supply chains?
Please see the most recent Statement on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.

Our Company

At The Toro Company, we take great pride in helping our customers enrich the beauty, productivity, and sustainability of the land. Founded in 1914, The Toro Company was built on a tradition of quality and caring relationships. Today, the company is a leading worldwide provider of innovative solutions for the outdoor environment including turf maintenance, snow and ice management, landscape, rental and specialty construction equipment, and irrigation and outdoor lighting solutions. Through a strong network of professional distributors, dealers and retailers in more than 125 countries, we proudly offer a wide range of products across a family of global brands to help golf courses, professional contractors, groundskeepers, agricultural growers, rental companies, government and educational institutions, and homeowners – in addition to many leading sports venues and historic sites around the world.